Fathers Rights Attorneys are experienced lawyers that can represent you in a custody case or child support dispute. They have extensive knowledge in all aspects of family law, including local, state and federal laws. Their expertise includes establishing paternity, filing for joint custody, negotiating shared custody agreements, countering false abuse accusations, and helping parents to have a continued presence in their children’s lives. They also help unmarried fathers establish parental rights and claim child support from their children’s mothers.

Father’s Rights Lawyers understand how difficult it can be for dads to fight for their rights in a divorce or child custody case. Courts can be biased against fathers, assuming they are less interested in parenting and less capable of providing for their children’s needs. These biases are not only unfair but they also can be harmful to kids, who need the love and attention of both parents. Fathers Rights Lawyers fight to level the playing field for dads in court, implementing strategies to challenge this bias and highlighting the strengths of their client.

The best Fathers Rights Attorneys will have extensive experience in a variety of practice areas, from divorce to child custody to paternity. These attorneys will be able to handle your entire legal situation and give you the best chance of success in court. They will work to protect your rights in the most efficient manner possible, while taking into account the complexity of your case.

Reinker, Hamilton & Fenley, LLC has over 70 years of combined experience representing clients in multiple practice areas, including child custody and support. The firm’s team of attorneys is well versed in all types of family law cases and can assist you in obtaining a custody or visitation agreement that will best suit your situation.

Child custody cases are complex and can result in a wide range of outcomes. There are many factors that can influence a judge’s decision, and a good attorney can provide you with the information and guidance needed to make an informed decision. If you need assistance with a custody or support issue, contact the firm’s St. Louis office.

Lutfiyya Law Firm, LLC focuses on child custody and family law matters. Its child support services include the bureaucratic paperwork and enforcement processes surrounding the fulfillment of financial obligations toward a child’s care. The firm also handles divorce cases and personal injury suits.

A divorce can be a challenging time for everyone involved, but particularly for the children. While child custody laws have changed over the years to eliminate the natural bias towards mothers, it is still important for a father to have an advocate on his side to ensure that his rights are protected throughout the process. A seasoned family attorney can provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure that a father is not ignored by the court. Contact an experienced Family Lawyer to discuss your case today.